Acquisition of Aurora Industries, The Link 4, and The Pallet Rack Moving System

How do you make something great even better?

Simple, add the missing LINK!

Gondola Train + Aurora Link 4 = Unbeatable capabilities and service.


Gondola Train is proud to announce the acquisition of Aurora Industries and their time tested line of gondola and warehouse racking moving systems, that include the industry workhorse for heavily loaded gondola; the LINK 4  and the Pallet Rack Moving System. 

There is not the perfect gondola moving system out there that can meet the diverse challenges to move all styles and brands of gondola, displays, and fixtures safely and efficiently.  So the best option is to partner with a company that has the answers…Gondola Train! If it cannot be moved by utilizing one of our gondola mobility systems, it wasn’t meant to be moved.

We are very excited to add to our family of gondola systems the LINK 4, the Pallet Rack Mover and the Pac Rats in order to provide several mobility solutions to all of our customers. We look forward to working with you today, tomorrow and in the future.